Reflections of the Past –
Faith for the Future
“Making Disciples of Jesus Christ” Matthew 28:18-20
“Engaging in meaningful conversations that nurture relationships and build connections, demonstrating we are willing to be the “hands and feet of Jesus” in people’s lives.”
Worship and Praise
Traditional old-time religion with a splash of Praise will greet you at this historic Methodist Church, serving the Dallas/Fort Worth metroplex since 1847.
You will be blessed at our Sunday Worship Services at 10:30 am led by Pastor Rosalyn Hilburn.
Grow in Discipleship
Adult and Children Growing in Faith
Singing, crafts, and story time for our children to bring the Bible to life. Lively discussions for our adults applying scripture to our daily lives, developing friendships, and caring for each other as family.
Sunday mornings at 9:30 am and Wednesday evenings at 6:45 pm. Everyone welcome.
Missions and Outreach
Wheatland strives to take care of our community by meeting their needs. Our volunteers prepare sandwiches, bags of cookies, chips and fill lunch sacks that are then distributed to the homeless and hungry.
Sunday, September 18, 2022
175 years of ministry:
1847 to 2022
Questions and Prayer Requests
(972) 224-3575